Let's support our community

Our Services

Solid Rock Learning Center (SRLC)

1. Basic education

SRLC provides learning opportunities for children (6-17 years
old) from disadvantaged and urban poor communities including
the stateless, refugees and those who are disengaged from the
school system.

2. After School Care

For primary school children (6-12 years old) particularly from
single-parent families and/or B40 families who would otherwise
be left to fend for themselves after school. Daily structured
after school programme includes meals, supervised homework
time, and various activities to meet the needs of the children
e.g. Kidzread (basic literacy for those unable to read), Edukate
(supplemental learning for those who can learn independently),
and intensive tuition classes (for underachieving children).

3. Child Sponsorship

Sponsorship of RM300 a month to provide basic education for
children without access and/or disengaged from local schools.

4. Transportation Services

Transportation is provided for children to attend our Learning
Centre and After School Care.

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